Meet the artist

Hi! My names Kyle Welch and I'm the head glass artist here at Whitetail Glass. Currently, I'm located in Northwest Rhode Island. 

Before I started my glass making journey, I used to collect glass and the process of forming it always intrigued me. I took a class at Glasscraft Colorado back in February 2014 and never looked back; Diving into the medium head first as I had found something I could do the rest of my life. 

Starting in 2014 I worked for Wasatch Glassworks in Salt Lake City, working on the Nectar Collectors. In the time i was working there I set up a home studio and eventually just started working from home. In 2016, I purchased an American Lathes Gator and started my journey into the lathe process and larger glassmaking!

Fast forward 4 years, 4 more studios in 3 different states, and here we are in Rhode Island making glass everything; From waterpipes to Beer glasses to Cremation Pendants and rings. In the future I hope to hold classes and teach others about the art of Glassblowing